Common Media Input Layer (alpha release)
CMIL is an C++ OO framework designed to improve the state of cross-platform input handling in games and similar applications.
CMIL was created out of the belief that the methods used in most media API's perform input handling in a confusing, difficult, inflexible fashion. CMIL's goal is to address this issue by establishing a flexible, easy to use, human readible, OO abstraction layer. This layer specifically allows for media and input device abstraction.
- easiliy build complex input sequences, including timed inputs, which do not impose restrictive notions of what is and isn't a moderator on the user
- custom input device configurations, IE: Users can swap input device configurations on the fly and create their own representation of a custom device using the framework facilities
- DirectInput implementation
(c) 2006-2007 John P. Feltz
Generated on Tue Jul 31 12:52:08 2007 for Common Media Input Layer by